Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Calling SQR from PeopleCode (Page, Record, App Engine)

This is a request from a friend to post a sample code that calls SQR from PeopleCode.This can be applicable if you need your page or app engine to call an independent SQR process/report. The following example was done in App Engine PeopleCode;

Local ProcessRequest &RQST;

&sRunCntlId = "Test";

&aProcessType = "SQR Report"; /*(or "SQR Process")*/
&aProcessName = "MYSQRRPT";

&dttmRunDateTime = %Datetime;
&aTimeZone = "EST";
&aOutDestType = "WEB";
&aOutDestFormat = "PDF";

/* Create the ProcessRequest Object */
&RQST = CreateProcessRequest();

/* Set all the Required Properties */
&RQST.RunControlID = &aRunCntlId;
&RQST.ProcessType = &aProcessType;
&RQST.ProcessName = &aProcessName;

/* Set any Optional Properties for this Process */
&RQST.RunDateTime = &dttmRunDateTime;
&RQST.TimeZone = &aTimeZone;
&RQST.OutDestType = &aOutDestType;
&RQST.OutDestFormat = &aOutDestFormat;

/* Schedule the Process */

If &RQST.Status = 0 Then



1 comment:

PKS said...

Hey I could not understand the last If Statement.
Please help us understand it.