Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Creating Outbound File from File Layout Using App Engine

Sometimes we to write program that are used for outbound processing, meaning creating files that will be read by other/external programs. Most of the times these files are enormous in size, because they are years or quarters or months worth of data. We need to create a program that are efficient in processing large amount of data. With these in mind, we think of App Engine because its used for bulk processing. But App Engine is not built for reporting purposes. Of course we can used SQR, it can process data and its built for reporting. The only problem is the performance when processing large amount of data. My solution is to use File Layout to create files;

1. Create an App Engine that will process all the data.
2. Dump all processed data into staging tables.
3. Create a view out of those staging tables. The view structure will be similar to file layout segment. If you have a parent-child relationship on the file layout, the view key structure should be similar to those file layout.
4. Let say you have a level 1 parent-child relationship in your file layout;

If All(&FileDirectory) Then
&TST_FILE = GetFile(&FileDirAndName, "A", %FilePath_Absolute);
&TST_FILE = GetFile(&FileName, "A", %FilePath_Relative);

&RS_TST_FL = &TST_FILE.CreateRowset();
&REC_TST_FL_LVL0 = &RS_TST_FL(1).GetRecord(Record.SGMT_TST_LVL0);
&REC_TST_FL_LVL1 = &RS_TST_FL(1).GetRowset(Scroll.SGMT_TST_LVL1).GetRow(1).GetRecord(Record.SGMT_TST_LVL1);

/*These will be the view created from staging*/
&REC_TST_LVL0_VW = CreateRecord(Record.BN_TST_LVL0_VW);

/*Copy data from the view to file layout segment level 0*/

/*Write data from file layout*/

/*These will be the view created from staging*/
&REC_TST_LVL1_VW = CreateRecord(Record.BN_TST_LVL1_VW);
/*Copy data from the view to file layout segment level 1*/
/*Write data from file layout*/

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